Work package 2


Work package 2 is about advanced microseismic interpretation and comparison between sites.



2.1 – Model the influence of data acquisition geometry on event detectability and uncertainties in location, magnitude estimates and focal mechanism computation for the specific sites.

2.2 – Calculation of high-resolution relative event locations, source, and statistical parameters. Separation of natural (background) from induced or triggered seismicity. Comparison to injection parameters.

2.3 – Correlation of the high-resolution seismicity with injection activity to investigate feasibility of traffic light protocols in the context of CCS. Augment reservoir characterisation with information from high-resolution seismicity catalogues.

Demonstration of acquisition footprints. Colour indicates magnitude sensitivity. Black lines delineate the area of interest (e.g., injectors), whereas red and black dots indicate locations of various surface and borehole sensors.